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Coaching in the Workplace

Written by Wellness Concepts | Mar 20, 2023 4:53:07 PM

“I love my coach!” How many times have we heard elite athletes give credit to their coaches on the podium? In the sports world, whether you are a gymnast, a football star, an Olympic-level skier, or winning weightlifter, having the right coach makes all the difference. But having a great coach isn’t just for elite athletes. Great coaches make a positive difference for high school teams, non-professional leagues, and pretty much any type of team that wants to perform well together, as well as for the individual athletes. 

In the corporate world, there are a variety of coaches available, but too many companies only provide coaches to a select few at the top. Some of the employees at the top have already worked privately with business coaches; these are the people that can afford to pay out-of-pocket. To help more employees tap into their strengths, talent, and expertise, organizations should be thinking about a new approach to employee coaching. In a climate where attracting and retaining talent is key, a focus on coaching for employees at all levels – not just at the top – can help companies stay resilient and thrive.

Not all coaching has to be from an outside source. On every team, there are usually a few key employees that everyone knows is a “go to” person, someone that will give sound advice from a place of professionalism and caring. Companies can look at how these people have successfully helped less-experienced employees be a productive part of your work culture. The specifics on how they did this can potentially become part of your team and leadership training.

On the contrary, there may be times when bringing in an outside coach or coaches can be well worth the investment. This is particularly true when there are challenges in communication styles that are viewed as disruptive or even toxic. Having a coach outside the corporate “family” can allow for better exploration of the issue. It can also be helpful when, despite internal efforts, overall results with employees are not meeting your goals. An example might be real disconnections between departments that is causing friction internally and potentially also impacting customer experience. Having a neutral, experienced coach can help identify where the breakdown is occurring and work on specific actions steps and communication styles to help build trust and clearer communication.

Here are some of the types of coaching to consider for your organization:

  • Executive coaching for business owners, executive-level leaders, and anyone who sets the vision and goals for an organization
  • Leadership development coaching for anyone who leads or manages a team or wants to get promoted
  • Performance coaching for anyone who has specific deliverables at work or wants to be more efficient
  • Sales coaching for anyone in a sales position or who wants to increase revenue
  • Strategy or business coaching for leaders navigating transitions or changes within their organizations
  • Communication coaching for anyone who wants to learn to communicate effectively, either one-on-one or with a group
  • Relationship coaching for anyone who wants to improve their close relationships, both inside and outside of work

Coaching can help unlock talent, foster better communication, and send a clear message to your employees that you want them to succeed. Coaching also allows people to understand their strengths, learn how to perform at a high level, and feel more connected to your organization. All of that can mean a winning team for your company.