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6 Tips for Improved Heart Health

Written by Amie Hoffman | Jan 15, 2016 6:33:17 PM

Amie Hoffman, RD
Founder and CEO, Wellness Concepts
As a former foodservice director, Amie understands first hand the power nutrition and education have on a happy, healthy workforce. She's proud to provide innovative on-site, customizable and scalable corporate wellness programs for businesses of all sizes and locations.

February 2016 marks American Heart Month, a national campaign to raise awareness about heart disease and how people can prevent it — both at home and in the community. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States and can often be prevented when people make healthier choices and manage their health conditions. Communities, health professionals, and families can work together to create opportunities for people to make healthier choices.

With the new updates to the Dietary Guidelines, which recommend limiting added sugar to 10 percent or less of daily calories, as well as advocating the Mediterranean Eating Style and Vegetarian Dietary Patterns, we have many useful resources at our fingertips. We have science on our side and a better understanding on how to successfully translate these findings into our everyday lifestyles, leading to healthier hearts and overall wellness.

Take time this month to pay attention to your heart’s health. Here are six ways to do it:

  1. Purge Your Pantry… Replace sugary cereals, cookies and regular pastas with whole grains such as quinoa, farro and brown rice.
  2. Cook for Wellness…Cooking at home saves on calories and fat and allows for better portion control, leading to healthy weight control.
  3. Cut Back on Sugar…Rethink your drinks and desserts. Try seltzer in place of soda and make dessert a special treat instead of a daily theme.
  4. Try a Mediterranean or Vegetarian Diet Pattern…Both patterns have been shown to benefit heart health as they include more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and nuts.
  5. Exercise…The benefits of exercise are endless. Manage stress, your waistline, blood pressure and mood. Find something you like to do and stick with it. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting an exercise program.
  6. Laugh More…Laughing is a good way to relieve stress, enhance your mood and feel better. It will do your heart good.

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