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New Program: Build a Better Breakfast

Written by Amie Hoffman | Jan 15, 2018 1:42:26 AM

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Food is Fuel”? If you haven’t, go ahead and grab a sticky note, jot that down, and stick it somewhere you’ll see it every day – because while there are many resolutions you could adopt in the new year, we’re going to talk about one that we feel very passionately about – eating breakfast!

The word ‘breakfast’ (if you didn’t know) literally originates from the words ‘break’ and ‘fast’ – meaning, to ‘break-the-fast.’ The ‘fast’ here is your sleep cycle. When you sleep, your body is not getting anything to eat or drink for 6-8 hours, if not longer, putting you in a ‘fasting’ state. If you wake up from this fasting state and get going on your day without eating anything, you are essentially trying to drive a car on little or no gas.

You might think you feel fine with no food in the morning – but are you operating optimally? Do you think your body feels its very best? Probably not! That’s because the very thing that your body needs to really get going for the day, it can only get from food.​

So – ‘food is fuel’ – what does this really mean? Fuel is energy, and energy comes from the macronutrients – carbohydrates, fat, and protein – which are found in all foods. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose and pumped into your blood; fat is a source of energy storage and is reserved until needed; and protein is used as energy if energy cannot be obtained from carbohydrates and your calorie intake is too low. Restoring these macronutrients first thing in the morning is incredibly nourishing for the body after fasting all night. But not all calories from these fuel sources are equal.

The ideal fuel-providing breakfast is a combination of ‘good’ carbs (whole grain/wheat bread, whole oats, buckwheat, fruits, and vegetables), fiber (blackberries, avocados, and oatmeal, for example), some lean protein (like eggs, nut butters, Greek yogurt, and nuts/seeds) and healthy fats. An example of an energizing and balanced breakfast might be a fried egg on whole grain toast with slices of avocado or an avocado spread. Or oatmeal topped with berries and a Greek yogurt on the side.

If you’re still not convinced that eating breakfast (if you don’t already) should be added to your ‘New Year, New You’ resolution list, then here are 3 scientific reasons that we think will sway you:

1. NOT eating breakfast sets you up for OVEREATING throughout the day.
2. Breakfast improves cognitive function (like your memory and concentration levels!)
3. Breakfast contributes to overall long-term health (like reducing the risk of obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes)

Plus, breakfast can be delicious! Who doesn’t want to start their day with something tasty AND nourishing?

Try some of these delicious recipes and amp up!

Breakfast Foods to Help You Focus Better
Quick and Healthy Breakfast Sandwiches
Warm and Protein-Packed Cinnamon Quinoa Bowl

If you're intrigued with this important wellness focus and want to share it with your employees, ask us about our ‘Eat This, Not That: Build a Better Breakfast’ nutrition awareness station. This three-hour station provides the tools and information (and delicious food samples!) your employees need to choose the best breakfast options to start their new year right! It's perfect to include in an upcoming health fair, all-employee meeting or lunch and learn.

Call us at 413-591-6729 or email us at info@well-concepts.com to get more information on how YOU can help your employees feel their best in the new year.