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Addressing Isolation & Loneliness

Written by Wellness Concepts | May 10, 2021 4:50:28 PM

Not everyone feels both Isolation and Loneliness - you may feel one or the other, and the feelings may come and go.

HOW ARE YOU FEELING IN THIS MOMENT? Rate your sense of Isolation, and of Loneliness on a scale of 1-5 

ISOLATION ____________

LONELINESS ___________

HOW COULD YOU REDUCE YOUR SENSE OF ISOLATION? (e.g. Connect with others 1x/ day; volunteering, participating in a group activity, accepting help) 


LIST THE WAYS TO ADDRESS YOUR SENSE OF LONELINESS (Be specific - e.g. talking to a friend each day, joining a group activity, meditating, speaking with a therapist) 


WHAT NEW APPROACH DO YOU WANT TO TRY? (For example: exercise, journaling, connecting with others, seeking out support, mindfulness practices) 


Following are some helpful resources for you: 


  • National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) - https://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml - The lead federal agency for research on mental disorders 
  • Mayo Clinic - https://www.mayoclinic.org/ - A nonprofit organization committed to clinical practice, education, and research, providing expert, whole-person care to everyone who needs healing. 
  • American Psychological Association (APA) - https://www.apa.org/ - The leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States 
  • Talkspace - Provides counseling from licensed therapists 
  • Psychology Today - https://www.psychologytoday.com/us - An online resource for finding a therapist in your area 
  • ASPCA - https://www.aspca.org/adopt-pet - (research has shown that connecting with animals is helpful) 

Support groups including: 

  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) - https://aa.org/ An international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. 
  • Al Anon – https://al-anon.org/ A support group for people who are worried about someone with a drinking problem. 
  • Support groups located on Facebook and MeetUp 

Many people find podcasts or audiobooks to be helpful, and enjoyable. There are thousands available. You may already have your favorites - here are some that address Isolation and Loneliness specifically: 


Many people want to meditate more, but don’t know how to get started. Apps can make meditation seem less intimidating and can help you on your way to creating your own practice. Or, at least to try it out. 

Try one of these favorite meditation apps: 

  • Simple Habit - 5-minute daily meditation 
  • Calm: Meditation - Guided meditation sessions running 3-25 minutes in length 
  • Headspace - Subscription-based service for meditation 
  • Aura - Creates a personalized meditation experience 
  • Stop, Breathe & Think - Personalized meditation and mindfulness experiences 

Please note that these materials and resources should not be used as a substitute for direct mental health care and advice from a professional mental health provider or your doctor. If you feel you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts or plans, please seek professional help from a mental health professional. You can contact your doctor, local crisis line, or call 911 or your local emergency room for support and help.