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6 Simple Actions That Yield Big Wellness Results

Written by Amie Hoffman | Feb 14, 2017 1:22:55 PM

Aristotle famously said, "We are what we repeatedly do." To us, this quote is a beautiful reminder of what National Nutrition Month's theme, "Put Your Best Fork Forward" is all about. It's about the importance of good daily habits.

Below are some of our favorite daily tips to help create significant, lasting change when it comes to nutrition.

If you're looking for a program that marries perfectly into this year's National Nutrition Month theme, give our popular group challenge, 30 Days of Healthy Eating, a try. Not only will employees motivate and support one another in daily, positive change, they'll create their very own custom cookbook at the same time! Continue reading to learn more.

6 Simple Daily Actions That Yield Big Wellness Results

  1. Drink Plenty of Water - You've probably heard this one before. Yet, many adults and most children don't consume enough water daily. Often times, dehydration is disguised as hunger. So, before you reach for a snack, make sure you drink 8-16 ounces of water. Health guidelines suggest you should consume 50-100% of your body weight in ounces. (Example: If you weigh 150 pounds, you should be drinking anywhere from 75 to 150 ounces of water per day.) A good gauge for most adults is to drink at least a gallon of water a day.
  2. Get Moving - Many of us eat when we're tired, bored or just need some fresh air. If you can, carve out 10-15 minutes in the mid-afternoon for a quick power walk outside. Sometimes just a little fresh air and movement is all you need to wake up and get the body (and mind) back in gear. Can't get outside? Try walking up and down a flight of stairs 5-10 times or doing some chair yoga. If you're still hungry, eat a healthy snack with some protein (example: sliced apples with 1-2 tablespoons of almond butter) to tie you over until dinner.
  3. Portion Pack Snacks - Instead of keeping a stash of snacks at your desk, only pack enough for one morning and one afternoon serving. That way, you're not tempted to reach for more than is recommended. Some of our favorite snacks: Krave Jerky and Vegetable Chips.
  4. Say Yes to Citrus - The essential oils found in citrus fruits are naturally stimulating. They not only freshen the air and stimulate digestion, they are also naturally energizing when inhaled. Simply drinking some cold or warm water with lemon is an easy option. Or, try an infused water recipe like this one.
  5. Write It Down - Keeping a daily food journal is perhaps one of the most effective ways to yield big results over a long period of time. Research has shown those that kept a food journal lose more than twice the amount of weight than those that didn't keep a food journal. Try apps like MyFitnessPal, LoseIt or MyDietCoach.
  6. Make It A Game - Another proven method in behavior change is participating in a group challenge or to gamify the experience (keep a score towards the result you want to achieve). We do just that in our 30 Days of Healthy Eating Challenge. The group challenge incorporates Registered Dietitian-inspired recipes along with employee favorites to create your very own custom cookbook! Contact us to learn more about how you can implement this popular challenge for National Nutrition Month.

While we hope you are thinking about the importance of your eating habits every day, National Nutrition Month gives us all a reason to revive the importance of daily habits. We hope these simple actions encourage you to recommit to your year-long wellness goals.