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6 Proven Ways to Reach Wellness Goals in 2017

Written by Amie Hoffman | Jan 5, 2017 7:46:12 PM

Happy 2017! With the holidays behind us and a new year ahead, January is the perfect time to embark on a path to sustainable well-being!

Follow these 6 simple steps to get started:

  1. Set a measurable goal - Here are some great examples of measurable goals: I will walk 300 steps daily or I will lose 5 pounds by February 14th (Valentines Day!). Or, I will start to track employee participation in wellness and share the results monthly.
  2. Incorporate rewards - Incentives work. A reward can be a new cooking utensil at the end of each month based on successful benchmarks or a spa service. Keep it relevant to wellness.
  3. Make it FUN - Engaging activities that empower people to learn actively in a fun and joyful environment lead to success. Try a recipe contest at your workplace or host a cooking party at your home. Try themes like healthy desserts or global menus.
  4. DeStress from the inside out - Feature a financial well-being series or Exercise Challenge (include incentives!) as well as a DeStress at Your Sitting or Standing Desk program. These programs include interactive activities and lifelong tools that help reduce stress.
  5. Eat Well - Provide Personalized Nutrition Counseling or offer a cooking class at the office or at a local venue. Use local and seasonal produce and build a heart healthy pantry for quick, healthy meals.
  6. Sleep Well - Try a sleep pod and reap the benefits of a power nap or incorporate a Wellness Concepts seminar on How to Rev up Your Rem and get some zzzzzz’s.

Let us know if you give any of these suggestions a try. Or, if you have another tip you'd like to share, please post it in the comments below.

Wishing you success in 2017!